How to Record Left 4 Dead 2 Gameplay

This Left 4 Dead video was uploaded by a Bandicam user.


  • Title: Left 4 Dead 2 PC Bandicam test
  • Uploaded on Jan 26, 2012
  • Comment: This is a test using Bandicam to record my horrible playing of L4D2 on PC. ...more

Follow the steps below to record the Left 4 Dead gameplay:

1. Choose 'Game Recording' mode.

- It's better to use 'Game Recording' mode to get a high quality video file

best game recorder - directx mode

2. Start Left 4 Dead game to record.

- Note: For a stable operation, Bandicam needs to be running before starting the Left 4 Dead game

3. While running a game in 'Game Recording' mode, you can see the green number on the screen.

- You can control the FPS (Frames per second) under the 'FPS' tab of Bandicam

- Note: The green number (FPS) will appear if the target runs DirectX/OpenGL technology. If you can't see the green number, visit No FPS on the recording target

ready to record - green color

4. Press the 'F12' function key (or the 'Record' button in Bandicam) to start recording.

f12 key to start/stop the recording gameplay

5. During recording, the green number (FPS) will change to red.

recording the target - red color

6. To stop recording, press the 'F12' function key (or the 'Record' button in Bandicam) again.

7. Go to 'Home -> Video' to play, edit, or upload the captured videos.

Bandicam, Recorded videos

Left 4 Dead Game Recording for advanced users

  1. To enhance the recording ability of Bandicam, try the hardware-accelerated H.264 encoder.
  2. To edit the recorded video, use the 'Sony Vegas/Premiere/Pinnacle' preset. » more
  3. To minimize computer lag, reduce the "Video Resolution/Size/FPS/Quality". » more
  4. To record / merge the webcam stream within the main video, try the webcam PiP featureview.
  5. To use Mouse Click Effects, check the "Add mouse click / highlight effect"view option. » more

More information

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