I use Bandicam to capture live video. I typically capture a lot of short videos, weed out the ones I don't want, and then use Bandicut to join them into one video. Most of the time it works OK -- BUT:
(a) Videos captured by Bandicam often have wildly varying bit-rates and frame-rates, even though I never change the settings and use the same exact settings all the time. This makes joining videos with Bandicut slow and difficult because it has to re-encode them.
(b) Occasionally Bandicam generates a video that is corrupt and unplayable. It happened to me today. This is REALLY bad because I'm capturing live video. I've got one shot and if the video is no good there is no second chance. It doesn't happen very often, but it shouldn't happen at all. I've got a fast, powerful computer, fast Internet connection, and the video is saved to a separate hard-drive dedicated solely for video capture.
Very disappointing.